Indication in accordance with the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions and the Liquor Tax Act

Name of distributor Bistro VinoKK
Address of the distributor

Meguro Nishiguchi Mansion II 404

2-24-11Kamiosaki, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141-0021 Japan

Person responsible for sales Robert Rann
Person responsible for operations Masami Watanabe
TEL 03-6417-9277
E-mail [email protected]
Selling prices Display by product
Required charges other than the price of the product VAT/Shipping
Payment method Credit card payment, cash on delivery
Delivery address Japanese domestic
Product delivery date

After payment is confirmed, the shipment will be made within 3 working days of our receipt of payment.

It is not possible to specify a specific date, time or time of delivery.

Changes and cancellations

・About changes and cancellations of orders Cancellations will be handled differently depending on the arrangement of the goods. Please be sure to contact us by telephone.

・Changes or cancellations can be made before the goods are shipped. Please contact us with your address, telephone number and the name of the product or order number you wish to change or cancel.

・After the goods have been shipped, please contact us by telephone as above. Please note that changes, cancellations and refusal of receipt by the customer will be treated as returns and the customer may be charged for delivery costs.

Exchanges and cancellations after delivery
  • Before corking

・Please contact us within 7 days of receipt of the goods if they are defective, such as different from the goods ordered, damaged or stained. Please return the product and we will replace it with a replacement. If there is no alternative, we will refund your money. The return shipping costs will be borne by the company.

・Cancellations, exchanges, refunds or returns of goods more than 7 days after delivery will not be accepted. Please note that we cannot accept cancellations, exchanges, refunds or returns after 7 days from delivery.

  • After corking
・For refunds and returns after the bottle has been uncorked, we will check the condition of the bottle. Please contact us without discarding the contents. Please note that we may not be able to respond if there is no content left in the bottle. Due to the nature of the product, we will not be able to respond to any returns other than product defects after the bottle has been uncorked.